Beth Dickey

Marvin Shank Discusses His BigYield Corn Program

Marvin Shank Discusses His BigYield Corn Program

A couple of months ago we shared a video with you from our Eastern Division team showing Marvin Shank’s soybean crop from this season. In this video, Beth Dickey and Marvin Shank discuss his corn results from the 2022 growing season. If you’re in the Eastern US and want to improve your yields, reach out to Beth today at 757-714-1447.

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Dexter Jones Discusses Soybeans and BigYield Products

Dexter Jones Discusses Soybeans and BigYield Products

We’ve got one more video from our Eastern Division team to share with you. This video features Dexter Jones, a grower in Amelia, Virginia. Dexter used various BigYield products on his soybean crop and has seen great results. Once again, thanks to Beth Dickey for sending in this video. Growers in the Eastern United States can contact Beth at 757-714-1447.

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More Great Looking BigYield Soybeans in Virginia

More Great Looking BigYield Soybeans in Virginia

We’ve got another great looking soybean crop to show you from Virginia. These soybeans were grown by Marvin Shank in Amelia County, Virginia. Marvin used our BigYieldCoat Soy, our BigSweetYield, and our Yield Booster on his crop this year. Watch the video to learn more. Thanks to Beth Dickey of our Eastern Division team for sending this video in. If …

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Great Soybean Crop in Virginia with BigYield Products


We’re excited to share a video from our Eastern Division. Wilford Poore was a grower in Amelia, VA and has been using BigYield products for a number of years. Watch this video to see his early planted soybeans that were loaded with pods. Thanks to Beth Dickey for sending in this video. If you are in the Eastern US and …

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