Big Yield News

Growers Meeting Photos

Product Details

A couple weeks ago we had our Annual Growers meeting at The Farm Research Center. Here, growers from all across the midwest meet and discuss growing strategies, new products, and much more. Here are some photos from the meetings. Enjoy!

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More Photos from Ag Way Days at The Farm

Hanging Out on the Bus

Here are the last of the photos from AgWay Day at The Farm! Enjoy!

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A Look at Some of our Crops This Year

Soybean Crop Midyear

Here is a look at some of our crops throughout this year. Some of these are test plots and some are production plots. Enjoy!

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Wrapping Things Up

Soybean Harvest 3

We’re getting close to wrapping things up on corn and soybean season here at The Farm Research Center. Here are some pictures we’ve taken of the recent harvest days. Happy Thanksgiving!

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A Glimpse at Some of Our Smartplots

Clark Missouri 2

We have Smartplots all over state of Missouri and in some bordering states. Here is a look at 4 of them. These are in Fall City, Nebraska, Clark, Missouri, Monet, Missouri, and Charleston, Missouri. Enjoy!

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Photos From Ag Way Days at The Farm Research Center

Kids with the Combine

A few weeks ago, students from a local elementary school, East Lynne, came to the Farm Research Center to learn about agriculture. They got to check out crops and all sorts of farm equipment. The kids loved it. Here are some pictures from AgWay Day. Enjoy!

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This Years Wheat Crop and Harvest

Wheat Transfer From Combine to Weigh Wagon

Here at, we want the best yield on all crops. Our wheat crop this year showed our hard work. This is a look at some of this years wheat crop and the wheat harvest. Enjoy!

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MU Scientist Dr. Andrew Scaboo Works to Achieve Bigger Yielding Soybeans

Dr. Andrew Scaboo Missouri University Soybean Scientist

In a non-descript building in central Missouri, Andrew Scaboo works to turn humble seeds into the next big beans. Glycine max, or soybeans, is Missouri’s most important crop, generating nearly $2 billion in annual revenue. Most of the varieties grown in the northern part of the state (north of I-70) aren’t developed in Missouri. That’s where Scaboo comes in. His …

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A Look at our Soybean Crop Throughout the Year

HighYield Soybean Plot Ready for Harvest 2

Last week we gave you a look at our corn crop throughout the 2013 season. This week we’re going to let you see how our soybean crop looked throughout the year. Enjoy!

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A Look at our Corn Crop Throughout the Year

Corn Starting Denting Stage

This is a look at our corn crop throughout the 2013 season. We’ve put together these images to show how our corn looked at various maturity stages. All of this corn was either on our land or one of our customers land. Enjoy!

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