Burning Program on Organic Corn

We have had great success with our BigYield Burners for weed and insect control in organic corn. We use both our broadcast and in-row burner, along with manual cultivation, and in 2017 our organic corn fields had less weed and insect pressure than our fields we applied chemicals on. Watch the video from David Yoder to learn more.

Video Transcript

Hi guys, this is David Yoder coming to you today from the research farm. We’re going to talk to you a little bit about our burning program that we do on corn for weed and insect control. We’re having really good success with this.

Basically what we are doing is in the fall after we combine we pull our big 30 foot burner through the field. We’re killing germination in the weed seed and taking care of a lot of our winter annuals that way. This year we saw really good control in the spring. Our organic fields were relatively clean. We didn’t have a lot of weed pressure to work under.

After we work the ground we come in and plant our corn. Once our corn is spiking through the ground we go ahead and pull our 30 foot burner over the top of our corn and kill our weeds. Our corn comes right back out of it. It’ll turn it brown – it looks like you killed it – but it comes right back out of it. Then we will come in and cultivate one to two times depending on weed pressure and what mother nature allows us to do – with rain and all that good stuff. Once the corn is about knee high we come through with our row burner. We kill everything in the row that the mechanical cultivation couldn’t reach or didn’t get quite covered up that is still giving us weed pressure. It cleans everything up in the row. Last year we had really good results with that. Our organic corn was cleaner than our conventional corn.

If you guys want to know more about this – more about how we do this or how it works, give us a call. Or you can find us at www.BigYield.us. We’ll be glad to help you out and get you going on our burning program.

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