Planting Corn in Cold, Wet Soils

With another cold and wet spring in our area, we wanted to discuss our tips on growing a successful corn crop. When planting into cold, wet soils we recommend using our BigYieldCoat Corn +Zn seed treatment along with our BP In-Furrow if you have the ability to run in-furrow applications.

Both of these products will help corn to emerge quickly and evenly and lead to a strong stand. In 2018, growers reported not having to replant their corn crop when they used our products.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us anytime.

Video Transcript

Hey guys, John Ortiz with Today we’re going to discuss what we should be doing right now with these cold, wet conditions.

Last year we had lots of positive feedback when guys were using BigYieldCoat Corn +Zn when they were planting corn. It was wet and cold last year as well. We had better stands, more uniform emergence, and we had guys that didn’t have to go back and replant based on some of their testimonials.

With cold, wet conditions and the rains we just had – and it looks like we’re going to get more rains – soil temperatures aren’t quite where they need to be. We highly recommend using the BigYieldCoat Corn +Zn. It also synergizes really well with those of you guys who go in-furrow with our BP In-Furrow product at the same time.

So incorporate the starter and our BigYieldCoat Corn +Zn. You’ll get great emergence, great stand, and great uniformity. If you have any questions, feel free to give us a call. Thank you very much and have a great day.

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