Tag Archives: plot

Bay Farms Missouri Soybean Research Plot Update

Bay Farms Missouri Soybean Research Plot Update

This is Bill Cook. It’s July 1. I’m at the Bay Farms. We’re looking over research plots. You can see this plot just got planted about a week ago, around the 25th just coming up. The earlier plot’s about almost a month earlier. We should get some pretty good data out of this plot here. Some of this is uh… …

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Soybean Test Plot Update

BigYield Soybean Test Plot Update

This is Bill Cook with BigYield.us. We are here today planting research plots at the Garden City location. It’s 1 of about 25 locations here in the midwest that we’re planting. This also is one of Dr. Scaboo’s research plot locations. Each time you hear one of those trips it’s another variety. So we should be getting some good precision …

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Wheat Plot Update

Big Yield Wheat Update

This is John Ortiz with BigYield.us. I’m standing here with Jeff from Monsanto and we’re sitting here looking at some high yield wheat. We’re just looking at some of the things that we’ve come across while we’re evaluating some wheat. Here you can tell the army worm is basically been mummified. This is why it’s important to spray the wheat …

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Wheat and Corn Plot Update

Big Yield Wheat and Corn Update

Yeah, this is Bill Cook reporting for BigYield.us. We’re here at the farm and Mr. Ortiz and Mr. Franklin are on assignment in Columbia today planting plots. They’re also working at Columbia finishing up. But we have a lot of things going on here at the farm. Mr. Hartzler here is running nitrogen on the corn. This is the kind …

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