Tag Archives: soybean

Want Higher Soybean Yields? There are a Few Things You can do to Ensure That!


Managing your soybean plant from it’s infancy all the way through it’s reproductive stage will ensure a high soybean yield. This is about the time of the season where your beans are growing nicely and setting pods. In the past, the temptation of growers has been to sit back and relax while waiting for the harvest. Often times, the latter …

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Bay Farms Missouri Soybean Research Plot Update

Bay Farms Missouri Soybean Research Plot Update

This is Bill Cook. It’s July 1. I’m at the Bay Farms. We’re looking over research plots. You can see this plot just got planted about a week ago, around the 25th just coming up. The earlier plot’s about almost a month earlier. We should get some pretty good data out of this plot here. Some of this is uh… …

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Soybean Test Plot Update

BigYield Soybean Test Plot Update

This is Bill Cook with BigYield.us. We are here today planting research plots at the Garden City location. It’s 1 of about 25 locations here in the midwest that we’re planting. This also is one of Dr. Scaboo’s research plot locations. Each time you hear one of those trips it’s another variety. So we should be getting some good precision …

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