Tag Archives: yield

Corn Yield Estimator

Corn Yield Calculator

At the BigYield.us Campus we’re very excited about the impact of our BP In-Furrow product and how it has dramatically improved the health and performance of our corn plots. And that will, of course, lead to what we believe is going to prove to be very impressive High Yielding Corn in the fields. Years ago, the University of Illinois created …

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Big Yield and the HHR

Big Yield HHR

As you can imagine, we keep quite a few vehicles over here at the BigYield.us Campus.  You already know about the Big Yield Bus. But most of the other vehicles are trucks. One exception is the HHR. We just got back from picking her up at the sign shop. Yes, looks like the HHR got some graphics applied to it …

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Dean Alexander High Yield Corn Crop

Dean Alexander High Yield Corn Crop

Hello, this is Dean Alexander with Alexander Farms. I want to show you a comparison today of what we’ve used for starter fertilizer this year. This is our first year using it. And if you look here I’ve got three samples here. This is corn that was used with starter fertilizer on it. We put four gallons an acre on. …

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Bob Joehl High Yield Corn Crop

Bob Joehl’s High Yield Corn Crop

Crop planted in the middle of May. In-furrow fertilization used. Tremendous response. We’ve had 16″ – 21″ scattered rainfall in the last six weeks in the spring of growing corn. Corn that normally gets planted in the end of April here got planted in the middle of May, so you can see what kind of response we’ve had to the …

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High Yield Wheat Harvest

High Yield Wheat Harvest

Here we are at BigYield.us. Today is June 28th. It is 8:34 AM. We are cutting our wheat plot, hoping for high yields. We are thinking everything should be in the 80 to 100 bushel yield range. We just cut a field 118.5 bushel to the acre was the average on the in-furrow wheat trials we’ve done. Be sure and …

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Welcome to Big Yield!

Welcome to Big Yield!

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kI3iViIMbnU Hi. My name’s John Ortiz. Welcome to the Farm Research Center located in Garden City, Missouri. This is one of the many experiments that we do here at the research facility. It all starts with the seed. Today we’re going to be sharing with you how to increase your bottom line, reduce your costs, and make you more efficient. …

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