John Ortiz

Condition Soil Using Humic and Fulvic Acids

Threats to Soil Security

Soil serves as the foundation for growing plants. Conditioning it and optimizing soil health can pay dividends because healthy soil creates conditions for producing high-yielding, high-quality crops. We at recently introduced a soil conditioner made from humic and fulvic acids. Named Dinosaur Dirt, the product originates from naturally occurring oxidized coal that is high in humified organic matter and …

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Boost Herbicide Efficacy with Nanoparticles

Nanotechnology and Herbicides

Recently, we announced that would introduce a product in 2016 that combines nanotechnology and our liquid BigSoy100 LB cold-processed sweetener. We also have a new product that delivers herbicides on a nano scale. Like we shared previously, nanotechnology involves using tiny particles – called nanoparticles – developed at an atomic or molecular level. In our case, the nanoparticles measure 50 nanometers …

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How to Mix BigSweetYield


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In-Furrow Applications Directly Support Seed, Young Seedlings

In-Furrow Applications Help Seedlings

For some time, we at have praised in-furrow treatments for making a big impact on crop health and growth. Our industry has bought into this approach, and according to recent estimates, in-furrow use is expected to expand further. Treatments like fertilizer, biologicals and fungicides are compatible with in-furrow applications. Seed is a big investment, and in-furrow applications can protect …

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In-Furrow Application Tips

In-Furrow Application Tips In-Furrow Comparison Link: Credit: AgroLiquid

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Get Wholesale Ag Chemicals from AgTeam Professionals


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Why use Nanotechnology in Agriculture?


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New Nanotechnology Products Enhance Input Application Effectiveness


Nanotechnology may influence multiple industries such as energy, water treatment, health and medicine. In agriculture, nanotechnology may involve using tiny particles developed at an atomic or molecular level to more effectively deliver crop inputs, such as yield-enhancers and crop protection products, and improve productivity. Otherwise known as nanoparticles, these small particles in our case measure 50 nanometers to 100 nanometers. …

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Act Early to Prevent Sudden Death Syndrome Infection


In early-planted soybean fields with cold and wet soils, seeding diseases like soybean sudden death syndrome (SDS) can have an economically significant eect on yields. In 2014, for example, our team found 20 percent yield losses attributed to SDS in some fields. Addressing SDS and its triggers early can minimize the disease’s impact. Primarily, SDS stems from the Fusarium virguliforme pathogen, …

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