John Ortiz

Chris Thompson Testimonial

Chris Thompson Testimonial

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Yield Booster Application Options


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Elevate Boron Levels with Yield Booster

Elevate Boron Levels

As described in previous columns, we’ve really been emphasizing micronutrients and their importance. We offer Yield Booster as an option for growers seeking a well-balanced fertilizer. Yield Booster blends N-P-K with seven micronutrients: boron, cobalt, copper, iron, manganese, sodium molybate and zinc. This week, I’ll focus on boron’s role in plant health and high-yielding crop programs. According to a guide …

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Non-GMO Not Just a Small Niche Anymore

Non-GMO Not Small Niche

Although GMO crops were introduced only a few decades ago, they quickly gained acceptance. In 2015, the USDA reported that 94 percent of U.S. soybeans and 92 percent of U.S. corn were planted to genetically engineered varieties. However, some consumers and food industry stakeholders have sought non-GMO products and made the non-GMO claim more mainstream. Recently, Mintel, a market researcher, …

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Double Crop Soybean Program

Double Crop Soybean Program

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Increasing Carbon Levels with BigSweetYield

BigSweetYield and Carbon Levels

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Beneficial Bacteria Support Soil, Plant Health

Beneficial Bacteria Support Soil Health

Biological products are beginning to gain traction in production agriculture. Since 2008/2009, we at Big- have studied and offered biologicals that can manage production factors that influence yield potential. Our BigBioYield product combines eight beneficial bacteria into a single product. Derived from naturally occurring microorganisms, these specially selected bacteria support or produce enzymes and phytohormones that facilitate soil and …

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Sweeten Yield Potential with BigSweetYield

Sweeten Yield Potential with BigSweetYield

We recently rebranded our cold-processed sweetener and now use the BigSweetYield name. With it, you’ll get the same yield-enhancing formula that we had offered in our BigSoy100, BigCorn300 and BigWheat150 products. Already this year, we’ve seen strong interest in BigSweetYield! As a cold-processed sweetener, BigSweetYield is glucose-based, so it supplies carbohydrates in a form that’s quickly available to plants. BigSweetYield …

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Using Yield Booster on Soybeans


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Good Research Guides Good Decision-Making

Good Research Guides Good Decisions

At, we rely a lot on research. We design field trials every year that test seed, yield-enhancers and other crop inputs. We also use technology to track our research work and measure results. Through these efforts, our goal is to empower decision-making with good data. You’re likely hearing more about “big data,” and increasingly, you have all kinds of …

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