John Ortiz

High Yield Wheat Harvest

High Yield Wheat Harvest

Here we are at Today is June 28th. It is 8:34 AM. We are cutting our wheat plot, hoping for high yields. We are thinking everything should be in the 80 to 100 bushel yield range. We just cut a field 118.5 bushel to the acre was the average on the in-furrow wheat trials we’ve done. Be sure and …

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Crop Spray Hazards

Big Yield Spray Hazards

Hi. My name’s John Ortiz with Today we are looking at a research plot here that was looking great all season. This is one of the reasons why anti-drift is so important and why you don’t spray in windy conditions. As you can tell the leaves are speckling from drift from a local farmer or neighbor I guess you …

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Wheat Plot Update

Big Yield Wheat Update

This is John Ortiz with I’m standing here with Jeff from Monsanto and we’re sitting here looking at some high yield wheat. We’re just looking at some of the things that we’ve come across while we’re evaluating some wheat. Here you can tell the army worm is basically been mummified. This is why it’s important to spray the wheat …

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100% Organic BP In-Furrow Treatment for Soybeans

Big Yield BP In-Furrow Treatment for Soybeans 100% Organic

Hi. My name’s John Ortiz with Today we are looking at an in-furrow product from Country Road Distributors called BP In-Furrow. We’ve done some tests on corn early on and had some good results with early germination. But one of the things we’re testing here is in-furrow treatment on soybeans. We had a very good germination on this seed, …

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Welcome to Big Yield!

Welcome to Big Yield! Hi. My name’s John Ortiz. Welcome to the Farm Research Center located in Garden City, Missouri. This is one of the many experiments that we do here at the research facility. It all starts with the seed. Today we’re going to be sharing with you how to increase your bottom line, reduce your costs, and make you more efficient. …

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Letter from MOF2


Hi, and welcome to the MOF2 member newsletter. I first want to take an opportunity in this inaugural newsletter to thank you for participating in MOF2 as a member. As an organization, MOF2 exists to produce and deliver identity-preserved, traceable and value-added crops in ways that increase profits for our producer-members and our customers. We do this by identifying our …

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